Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Best Book You've Never Heard of on...Punctuation?!

Yes, you read that right. One of my favourite books is about punctuation. It's called The Book of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks: A Celebration of Creative Punctuation.

Today, Modern Mrs. Darcy is doing a link-up about "the best books you've never heard of". It's a great way for people to share their favorite books that don't necessarily get a lot of exposure, so I thought I'd share one of my favourites!

This isn't by any means a heavy read for which you have to allot an afternoon. It's more of a coffee table book: I pick it up any time I need a laugh. Nobody who doesn't care about grammar or find humour in typos would find this funny, but if you do....I promise you'll find this hysterical.

The book was written by Bethany Keeley (name twins!) based on her blog (www.unnecessaryquotes.com) and it's divided into chapters like At Work, On the Menu and Seasonal. She has collected dozens of entertaining photographs where people have used unnecessary quotation marks. Here's one of my favourite examples:
In my opinion, the best part of the books are the clever captions associated with each picture. Clearly, people don't understand the function of quotation marks, and Keeley's mission is to point out some of the funnier examples. Everyone I've showed this book to has cried from laughter, and it's given me some great amusement since I was given it a few years ago. 


  1. Hi Bethany: My niece (who's from Maine) goes to Acadia too; she's going into 3rd-year English.

    I'm glad I followed your link because this is my kind of book!! My husband and daughter and I even crack up at death notices in the newspaper that say things like

    Mary was the dearly loved mother of Bob and the "special" friend of Jennifer.

    Thanks for sharing this; I know I'll find it "really" funny.

    1. Hi! That's cool to hear, I hope she loves Acadia as much as I do :)
      That sounds exactly like my family, good to hear we're not the only ones! I hope you enjoy.

  2. Replies
    1. You definitely do! Thanks so much for checking out my blog :)
